Styled Bootstrap Grid

This library is a re-implementation of the bootstrap grid layout system. It uses styled-components as basic components for styling your web layout.

Get Started

You can install the library using either yarn or npm.

$ yarn add axelra-styled-bootstrap-grid 

Since this library has been built from skratch, you can simply re-styling all components defined on it. For instance, if you want to create a basic grid layout you can do the following:

import React from "react"; 
import styled from "styled-components"; 
import {Col, Container, Row, Spacer} from "axelra-styled-bootstrap-grid";

const MyContainer = styled(Container)`
  margin-top: 10px;

const Column = styled(Col)`
  display: flex; 

export const Example = () => {
  return (
    <MyContainer fluid>
      <Spacer x10 />
        <Column md={5}>Restyled Column :)</Column>

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